Flattened relationship support

From: Andrus (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 21:12:07 EDT

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Re: Flattened relationship support"


    I am copying this to the list, so that others can participate too. (Just
    like subject says, this is about adding flattened relationships)

    At 06:45 PM 10/16/2002 +1300, Craig Miskell wrote:
    >My current thinking is that it's the ObjRelationship's responsibility to
    >a) know it it is a flattened relationship, and

    Yes. I think we should make it explicit by adding a corresponding boolean

    >b) handle adding/removing at the object level (creating intermediate
    >objects etc).

    >c) probably vetting at some stage that the intermediate objects only
    >contain foreign keys (or that the other fields are optional)
    >Then all we'd need is the relationship parsing code (path traversal I
    >think) to recognize a flattened relationship and put in the extra join.

    The idea was closer to (c): we wanted to make it cooler than EOF - there
    will be no intermediate objects. The idea was to maintain m-to-m
    relationships at the object level, and create/change rows in a join table
    at the SQL level, avoiding creating a "join object". BTW, this was one of
    the main reasons for the whole Db*/Obj* separation in the map. This is the
    biggest piece to implement, since it affects query translators and the
    whole object graph management. I guess we can start by doing read-only
    support for such things, and then move to more complex updateable behavior.

    It may also be simpler than I think as far as object graph concerned - I
    guess we may treat "m-to-m" relationship as a simple to-many at the object
    graph level. Of course the underlying wiring would still need to be aware
    of the real structure.


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