Caching Reusable Query Results.

From: Andrus (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 01:01:20 EST

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Re: Caching Reusable Query Results."

    A long one...

    The Idea:

    On the heels of the parameterized queries addition, I am planning to
    implement caching of query results. This becomes possible now, since
    parameterized queries can be shared, and therefore can be used as cache
    lookup keys. Other parts of the cache key would be (2) a map of parameters
    and (3) a list of ordering keys.

    I need something like that for the customer project I am doing now (in the
    past I did the cache outside of Cayenne, now I want this functionality to
    be in the core framework). I would like to hear other's opinions on that.
    Especially in the view of the recent discussion about the distributed
    object cache.

    Suggested feature is a bit different from just object cache (caching lists
    instead of objects), and at the same time very similar (object snapshots
    handling, cache refreshing and update notifications mechanism, etc.). So I
    do not want it to drift too far apart from our main (still not completely
    defined) caching handling strategy.

    Design Notes:

    1. "Prototype" parameterized queries will be associated with Entities (I
    guess both Db and Obj, since queries can potentially be done on both).

    2. Eventually handling of query loading will be done in CayenneModeler
    (just like EOModeler), for now this will be Java API that will need to be
    called explicitly. I hope to use some of the new event functionality, but
    it is quiet possible that I will simply stick the "prototype" query
    building into static methods of corresponding DataObject subclasses.

    3. DataContext will have a method calling a named query:
         "objectsForQuery(Class, String name, Map params, List orderingKeys)

    4. There will be a new class, ListCacheManager, using LRUMap from jakarta
    commons-collections for the cache. ListCacheManager will be associated with
    DataDomain and enable shared cache for all DataContexts.

    5. Cache will store lists. Objects in a list will be generic
    CayenneDataObjects containing ObjectId and snapshot, and not linked to any
    DataContext. When retrieving objects to the DataContext, an new list of
    objects is built, associated with this DataContext, based on the original

    This does look a bit heavyweight, just like any other cache system. I hope
    that a few things in this design should deliver performance improvements:

    - (most obvious) fewer trips to the database
    - fewer calls to "objectIdFromSnapshot"

    Possible problems are:

    - Caching IncrementalFaultLists (I am taking advantage of them now in many
    - Propagating snapshots between ObjectStore that belongs to DataContext and
    ListCacheManager that is one level up, belonging to a DataDomain.


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