Re: NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectstyle/ashwood/graph/Digraph

From: Andriy Shapochka (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 17:08:09 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectstyle/ashwood/graph/Digraph"

    > But anyway, this is a good catch... we should provide the download, or
    > better kindly ask Ashwood creator (and Cayenne long time committer) Andriy
    > to create a new release on SourceForge... Andriy, are you there?
    > Andrus

    Being round-about and feeling sorry for not keeping Ashwood downloads up to
    date :,(. Just put in release "ashwood-1.1" on SourceForge. I have being
    using the code for quite a time so, very likely and hopefully, it will not
    turn too buggy. Besides, the changes and additions mostly concern graph
    visualization algorithms and graphml; the part Cayenne relies upon goes
    without any major modifications. There is jgraph.jar included but while
    Ashwood uses the library in the visualization part I believe we needn't add
    it to Cayenne otherlib.

    On another note, presently I am working on the design and implementation of
    so called "Data Views". Here is the extract from my internal documentation:

    "To fill the gap between the Cayenne Data Layer and a Swing GUI presentation
    layer the concept of "Data View" is introduced. It instructs the GUI how to
    format, validate, and display Cayenne DataObjects. The new layer is built on
    top of Cayenne DataMaps and is usually configured by means of an XML file.
    It does not only format the values of attributes defines the visibility, the
    editability and such but also allows to define lookups based on the
    ObjEntities and ObjRelationships for ease to use in Swing combo boxes,
    tables, etc. and, thus, to edit relationships of the underlying DataObjects.
    Regarding Reqtool configuration issues (pattern matrix and accountability
    type matrix) the application of this approach is going to eliminate the need
    to make changes in the Java code when the matrix structure is changed. It
    will be enough to make the necessary modifications in the Data View
    configuration file. Furthermore this approach will ensure the consistency of
    formatting, captions, other options through the entire GUI or, even, various
    GUIs.using the same Data View definition."

    Such a construction is greatly needed in my current project and can be built
    using the existing Cayenne functionality and without causing noticeable
    modification in the Cayenne data layer itself. In parallel a friend of mine
    started to work on a Data View Swing modelling tool in the Cayenne Modeler's
    likeness for me. By my estimates the first development cycle should be
    finished in a month or so, and then the results will go to the main Cayenne


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