first shared cache checkin

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Oct 05 2003 - 16:48:09 EDT

  • Next message: Giulio Cesare Solaroli: "Re: [Still LONG] Re: [LONG] reasons why "advanced" expressions are needed"

    FYI: I just checked in the code that would allow to share snapshot
    cache information between DataContexts in the same VM. First of all,
    though all unit tests pass successfully, it is still very raw, and I am
    working to address various issues, and write unimplemented pieces. To
    anyone using nightly builds of Cayenne in production (hope nobody does
    till at least Alpha of each release), if you have a choice I strongly
    recommend to avoid using the builds timestamped starting on October 6
    and till further notice. Things still not implemented:

    1. Turning off shared cache in favor of DataContext-only cache (kind of
    "1.0 compatibility mode")
    2. Sending SnapshotEvents around (this is pending till we implement the
    event queue for dispatches.... I might take a shot on that soon)
    3. Sending events to remote VMs.
    4. Testing of the whole system... I don't think we can get away with
    simple unit tests here.... some sort of multithreaded testing
    environment will be needed...
    5. Resolving licensing issues with the authors of ShiftOne cache (if
    the testing shows that it handles our caching needs well).



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