Extended types

From: Cris Daniluk (cris.danilu..laraview.com)
Date: Tue Mar 22 2005 - 23:39:13 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "EntityResolver without DataConext"

    Is there any plans to modify ExtendedTypeMap to support non-runtime self
    registration of ExtendedTypes?

    I noticed that the javadoc for ExtendedTypeMap says its a singleton, and I
    guess technically the overall design of Cayenne leads to it being used as a
    singleton, but if it were, I imagine that a static initializer in the
    individual types could register everything. It's not ideal, but then again,
    it's also how its done elsewhere within Cayenne, so at least its consistent


    Incidentally, what spurred this on was a JodaDateType that I wrote. I was
    hoping to have a way to get it into the modeler w/o modifying src.. Where do
    you think contributions that aren't necessarily appropriate in the
    distribution should go? A section in the wiki?


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