Re: swapping between hsqldb and Oracle: schema

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 13:21:21 EDT

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: swapping between hsqldb and Oracle: schema"

    > So then my next question (this time on dev) is, "Should I change the
    > hsqldb generation to ignore the db schema value when creating sql?"

    I think so. As schema feature is not supported by HSQLDB, it is logical to
    address this at the DbAdapter level. So HSQLDB adapter should generate
    CREATE/DROP TABLE syntax ignoring the schema.


    > Cris Daniluk <> wrote:
    >> If you're asking what I think you're asking - does hsqldb support
    >> namespace-style schemas, the answer is no.
    >> I never had a problem switching back and forth between Oracle and
    >> HSQLDB for generation though. I don't know that we explicitly list our
    >> schemas in the modeler, but the SQL that Cayenne executes for queries
    >> does include a schema reference...
    > Thanks Chris. Yes, I was meaning the namespace-style schemas.
    > So then my next question (this time on dev) is, "Should I change the
    > hsqldb generation to ignore the db schema value when creating sql?"
    > Removing the Db schema value, generating the database schema, putting it
    > back, and then running my code seems to be working fine.
    > -Mike

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