Re: Unit test coverage

From: Holger Hoffstätte (
Date: Mon May 09 2005 - 13:56:41 EDT

  • Next message: Erik Hatcher: "Cayenne 1.1: User Guide - Using Expressions - TYPO"

    Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    > Since you got it to the point where it generates html reports, you're as far
    > along as I am (actually farther, as I've never done any pre-instrumented
    > reports).

    Oh, I don't use pre-instrumentation, just the runtime wrapper. I tried
    with explicit instrumentation but that would have required basically
    rewriting the entire build suite because of the classpath handling. It
    would have made no difference either since the results would have been the
    same. Nevertheless I'm happy with the results, it didn't require a lot of
    work (just the usual armwaving to get started) and considering the price,
    it cannot be beat. In fact just looking at the highlighted sources it's a
    great way to find dead code that would be hard to spot otherwise!


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