comparing filesets with ant?

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu May 12 2005 - 13:41:13 EDT

  • Next message: John Martyniak: "Re: XML Serialization"

    Erik, are there any tasks for comparing filesets?

    The best I could find was the following, but it's only useful for a specific
    I then tried to find some kind of an "apply file from fileset" task, but I
    couldn't find one of those either.

                <condition property="files.match">
                    <filesmatch file1="x" file2="y"/>

    The goal is to create a test to compare the results of using cgen (old) and
    cgen (new) to each other to insure the generated files are identical.

    I have java code to do this (from Velocity), but it seemed to me like
    something ant should be capable of doing natively.


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