Re: Sandbox and multi Tier Qs

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed May 18 2005 - 22:01:51 EDT

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    Hi Derek,

    On May 17, 2005, at 11:23 PM, Derek Rendall wrote:
    > Just off the top of my head, would a command context parameter be
    > useful for managing large sets of commands? The default (i.e. no
    > context parameter) could be the cayenne context, and have "context
    > handlers" at the server end that split the commands into more
    > manageable groups - just an idea, and haven't thought it through too
    > much :-)

    There won't be a custom command for each business method. Rather I was
    planning to add a single "rpc" command that would encapsulate an
    arbitrary remote method call. The whole command design is just one
    possible way to simplify internal wiring. Users would not touch it
    under normal circumstances (unless there is a need to customize some
    stuff or do extra security checks and such).

    > BTW: I am looking at putting a little prototype together for one of my
    > co-workers - anything you would like me to work on to help move the 3T
    > stuff along (not saying I will be given the time, but just in case)?

    Thanks for offering help! Once we get relationships, commits, and
    remote method invocations, working we will need a proof-of-concept
    prototype based on real application requirements. This is along the
    lines of what you are planning to do, and it will be a very important
    sanity check of the whole idea (in other words, that it works, solves a
    real-life problem and does it better than a generic web service
    approach). Also it will be an advanced example for the new users.


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