Re: Cayenne CRUD tester and found bugs (1.2M4)

From: Mikaël Cluseau (
Date: Sat Jun 11 2005 - 16:38:48 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: CVS notifications are down"

    Le samedi 11 juin 2005 à 13:24 -0400, Andrus Adamchik a écrit :
    > > I'm writing an automated CRUD tester for Cayenne (I will contribute
    > > it ;-)).
    > This would definitely be extremely handy.

    That will be done soon then :-)

    > > 1. I create a DataObject (mandatory attributes and relationships
    > > are filled with random values).
    > I assume there is a "1.5. commit"?

    There are commits after each modifying step: create, commit, refetch,
    update, commit, delete, commit (and a hidden cleanup, commit). I updated
    to the latest CVS version. I traced the code deeper this time :-) and I
    think I've found why I have this problem.

    For some reason I still need to find, Cayenne wishes to replace the
    object's PK with the same value. The problem is that then, it does the
    following code, lines 604 and 605 of :


    And since the new ObjectId is the same as the old one, it effectively
    removes the objet for the cache. The update is (id is the primary key) :

    UPDATE schema.table SET id = ?, [...] WHERE id = ?
    [bind: 10001, [...], 10001]

    I checked, I never touch the PK, so I really don't get when Cayenne
    changes it... I'm using PostgreSQL, if there anything with the adaptor
    to check. Any idea?

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