PK Generation in DbGeneratorTask

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Thu Jul 07 2005 - 21:52:51 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: PK Generation in DbGeneratorTask"

    Ok, so this is going to sound a bit foolish, since I contributed both
    the DbGeneratorTask and the patch to let PostgreSQL use sequences, but
    in my defense, I think Andrus modified the former ;-)

    Anyway, it appears that the SQL that the task is generating is vastly
    different from that generated by the modeler. In particular, the former
    is using AUTO_PK_SUPPORT while the latter creates the sequences
    appropriately. Before I crack open the source to see why this is, has
    anyone observed this behavior with other RDBMS that Cayenne uses
    sequences for? I.e., I'd like to know if this is specific to PostgreSQL
    or affects all DB adapters that use sequences.


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