Register DO with DC Multiple Times?

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Fri Jul 08 2005 - 01:39:49 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Register DO with DC Multiple Times?"

    Hey all,

    I just spent the last few hours debugging this webapp of mine. Since
    it's using Tapestry 4, I thought I had messed up some of the persistence
    stuff or something. Instead, I came across something in Cayenne that
    just doesn't seem right.

    If a DO gets registered with a DC twice, it'll attempt to commit twice.
     Since it is the same exact object however, only one PK will be
    generated, which causes the commit to fail. Now, I'd certainly agree
    that you probably shouldn't try to register twice, but in my case, the
    first registration actually came from setting an already committed
    object as relationship parameter. Cayenne is able to auto-register the
    DO that the relationship value is being set on and it does so
    transparently, which is cool. However, its side effects are not

    My guess is that DataContext#registerNewObject() should consult its
    object store before calling registerNewObjectWithEntity(), or the latter
    should perform the check. Or maybe the ObjectStore should use a HashSet
    rather than an ArrayList. I really don't know, but like I said, it
    should be transparent.

    Am I correct in this assessment? It is getting rather late here, so I
    may just be delusional . . .


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