Idea for index/limit support

From: Gili (
Date: Mon Sep 05 2005 - 03:28:30 EDT

  • Next message: Gili: "Binding queries to ObjEntity"

            Aside from the obvious idea that queries should be able to set
    index/limit, I'm thinking we should modify the behavior of relationship
    getting methods. Currently they return a List from xxxArray
    relationships. I'm thinking we should implement the List interface, and
    provide special index/limit/fetchSize methods in our implementation.
    This way old code continues working as is and new code that wishes to
    optimize performance does something like this:

            List images = dataObject.getImageArray();
            CayenneList typedImages = (CayenneList) images;

            // (optional) configure List before using it

            // use list like we always did

            now... min/max indexes are hints to the List implementation as to what
    index/limit values to issue the query with. If a user tries to get() an
    index outside this range we will issue a second query but this is
    unlikely to happen. The typical usage scenerio would be if the above had
    100,000 rows in the result we'd see a noticable performance benefit of
    only retrieving 15 rows (index 15 - 30 inclusive). And best of all, this
    change is completely backwards compatible with older releases. What do
    you think?



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