Re: context.deleteObjects() fails silently

From: Gili (
Date: Fri Sep 09 2005 - 11:54:47 EDT

  • Next message: Gili: "Re: SelectQuery.queryWithParameters(ignoreMismatch)"

    Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    >> Is there any reason why we'd allow end-user code to do something like this?
    > We don't have any other methods that allow you to manipulate one
    > context with an object registered in another.

            So... why not throw an exception then?

    > Gili, one thing you can do in the future that will make the issue
    > irrelevent is to always use
    > themeDataObject.getDataContext().deleteObject(themeDataObject).
    > Obviously, this only works if you're deleting one object at a time,
    > but deleteObjects just iterates over a collection and calls
    > deleteObject anyway.

            I know, but in my code I was not calling deleteObject() individually on
    a per-object basis, nor do I want to. Also I believe that deleteObject()
    is deprecated.

            Sorry lately I've been putting a lot of pressure into making Cayenne
    fail-fast on more issues but you said yourself you'd like to improve
    Cayenne's error reporting and I feel this is a vital step in the right
    direction. Since it makes little sense to apply a context operation on
    an object that does not belong to it I don't think anything will be lost
    by throwing an exceception. If the design changes in the future we can
    simply remove the exception. Anyway, I'd like to add it, are you -1, 0
    or +1 on this?


    > On 9/8/05, Gili <> wrote:
    >> Doh :) This was caused by the fact that "context" was not the same as
    >>"themeDataObject.getDataContext()". Is it possible to add a check inside
    >>of DataContext.deleteObjects() for this condition and throw an
    >>exception? Or are there legitimate reasons for allowing this kind of call?
    >>Thank you,
    >>Gili wrote:
    >>> I have:
    >>> and with full logging I can see that commitChanges() invokes the
    >>>19:11:19,390 INFO QueryLogger:421 - --- will run 1 query.
    >>>19:11:19,421 INFO QueryLogger:377 - --- transaction started.
    >>>19:11:19,453 INFO QueryLogger:315 - SELECT t0.clazz, t0.dataDigest,
    >>>, t0.contentType,, t0.provider, t0.specification, t0.theme
    >>>FROM image t0 WHERE t0.theme = ? [bind: 200] - prepared in 16 ms.
    >>>19:11:19,500 INFO QueryLogger:360 - === returned 0 rows. - took 63 ms.
    >>>19:11:19,515 INFO QueryLogger:386 - +++ transaction committed.
    >>> It does this because I've got it cascade set to DENY if any images
    >>>are associated with a theme being deleted. I expect that once it sees
    >>>that the delete is safe it should delete the theme from the DB, but i
    >>>never does. How do I find out why the theme is not being removed? Is
    >>>there extra logging I can enable? It looks like it's failing silently.
    >>>The theme being deleted has a COMMITED persistence state.


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