Re: SCM Repository

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Wed Sep 14 2005 - 08:43:40 EDT

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: Patch for CAY-360"

    On 9/13/05, Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
    > I disagree. I often have to fall back to using TortoiseSVN instead
    > of Eclipse currently. I "have to think about it" all the time.
    > Until Eclipse has the same level of support for SVN as it does for
    > CVS, I'd be -1 on this.

    Plus, if you don't at least HAVE Subclipse, Eclipse won't register its
    refactorings with SVN. Thus, TortoiseSVN won't know a file move is
    actually a move, as opposed to a delete and a new (separate) file.
    That sort of defeats the purpose of using SVN over CVS, so the IDE
    integration is definitely a huge decision point. I use Subclipse
    extensively on a daily basis and each release brings in new bugs
    (including the last 3). I've learned to put up with quite a lot, and
    give up quite a lot (like the Eclipse commit sets) for SVN.

    Also, moving repositories is NOT a convenient time to migrate to other
    software. Never break two things at once. :). I join the -1'rs for
    SVN, but could probably provide assistance in the form of server
    access or whatnot for a CVS repository, if required.

    And awk is cool.


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