Re: Synch objEntity and dbEntity

From: John Martyniak (
Date: Fri Oct 07 2005 - 10:43:45 EDT

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    I am using 1.2M5.

    It actually applies to the primary key of the existing entity, and if
    you try and do the same to keys from other entities they disappear as

    - -John

    On Oct 7, 2005, at 9:20 AM, Gentry, Michael ((Contractor)) wrote:

    > Are you using Cayenne 1.1 or 1.2? I seem to recall trying that as an
    > experiment in 1.1 and the PK was still exposed after a sync, but I
    > haven't tried it lately at all.
    > /dev/mrg
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: John Martyniak []
    > Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 6:56 PM
    > To: Cayenne Develop
    > Subject: Synch objEntity and dbEntity
    > * PGP Signed: 10/06/05 at 18:56:22
    > To all,
    > I think that this is a bug in the modeler, but I will toss it to the
    > group first.
    > So I have a primary key, that I would like to expose in the
    > objEntity, if I add it, and then do some other work like make
    > relationships. And then click the objEntity synch button the primary
    > key disappears.
    > Same thing happens if I expose some other Ids, and then synch they
    > disappear also.
    > It seems to me that if I decide to expose something from the DbEntity
    > into the objEntity it should remain that way.
    > Or am I missing something.
    > -John
    > * John Martyniak <>
    > * 0x3ED3067B (L)

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