JDOM is replaceable

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Thu Oct 13 2005 - 23:49:38 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: cgen "memory" of last task"

    Kevin, et al.

    Here is an XMLDecoder patch that took me about 20 minutes to create.
    It replaces JDOM with DOM. (OK, I hit Ctrl-F, so it has more changes
    than there really is). Also I cheated a bit - I commented out parts
    that required changing MappingUtils ... so it passes all unit tests
    except those that involve mapping. It should be similarly easy to
    port encoder, just need to borrow pretty-print code from Xerces
    examples or something.

    One of the caveats is that missing attribute values are returned as
    "" by DOM, while they are returned as "null" from JDOM. Actually it
    turned out that it saved some code as we no longer need to do null
    checking :-).

    I volunteer to proceed with the rest of the port, just wanted to run
    it by you first. Any comments?



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