Re: PostgreSQL sequences revisited

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Aug 02 2007 - 08:20:15 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: PostgreSQL sequences revisited"

    A question - would serial type work as an auto-increment? I.e. is it
    possible to run PreparedStatement like this (notice no PK in the


    And then get back DB-generated ARTIST_ID via
    java.sql.Statement.getGeneratedKeys()? I suspect no, but if it is, it
    would be a really nice improvement to PG adapter.


    On Aug 2, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > I'd like to solicit feedback on PostgreSQL sequences, especially from
    > Tore. When I added the code to generate PKs from sequences, I think I
    > did so rather naively. I assumed sequences were sequences and
    > essentially lifted the code from the Oracle PK generator. This was
    > simple and easy to digest because it was so similar to Oracle.
    > Fast forward a couple years and now I've seen the use of the "serial"
    > type to create an int field, a sequence, and set up the default value.
    > There's nothing really magical about "serial" and it is very
    > similar to
    > what the PostgreSQL PK generator does now. What is different is the
    > name of the sequence. Serial types created sequences named in a
    > particular format, just as Cayenne does, but neither use the same
    > format. This turns out not to be merely cosmetic. The dynamic
    > language
    > frameworks with their built-in ORMs can only integrate with a
    > legacy DB
    > if the sequences are named appropriately (i.e., I've yet to see one
    > that
    > will allow overriding the sequence name as Cayenne does).
    > So, is it worth re-visiting the generator to create sequences named
    > the
    > same way that "serial" would? Should we simply modify the creation
    > DDL
    > to use the serial type (similar to MySQL)? Or should we consider it
    > someone else's problem and continue with a "non-standard", but
    > sound, PK
    > creation strategy?
    > --
    > Kevin Menard
    > Servprise International, Inc.
    > 800.832.3823 x308

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