Re: Backwards compatibility

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Aug 04 2007 - 14:02:36 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Java 5"

    This is strange. I do not recall any changes that should affect the
    "exp" package. If you can prove that the behavior has changed, I'd
    appreciate a bug report with details.

    Generally we are trying to document all cases where backwards
    compatibility is broken in the UPGRADE-NOTES.txt.


    On Aug 3, 2007, at 8:46 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:
    > Sorry for the email storm. I thought my 3.0 upgrade had gone
    > smoothly,
    > but it turns out that there were hidden test failures due to someone
    > changing some code on me.
    > As I'm coming across some of these things that worked in 2.0.3 and
    > fail
    > in 3.0, I'm wondering to what degree things are supposed to be
    > backward
    > compatible. Take my run-in with passing null into
    > ExpressionFactory#likeIgnoreCaseExp. In 3.0, this results in an NPE
    > (that I planned to clean up), whereas in 2.0 it results in a properly
    > constructed Expression. This expression ends up returning no objects
    > for any query, but it works. Is it more wrong for the user to pass in
    > null or for the framework to hide an error by degrading gracefully? I
    > guess without knowing why it doesn't work in 3.0, I can't really
    > say if
    > it's a bug or not.
    > Maybe the best thing to do is open up JIRA issues and let Andrus
    > decide
    > whether or not they're actually bugs?
    > --
    > Kevin Menard
    > Servprise International, Inc.
    > 800.832.3823 x308

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