Re: Cannot override setPersistenceState in 3.0-M5

From: Bob Schellink (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2009 - 10:05:16 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cannot override setPersistenceState in 3.0-M5"

    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > Yeah, setPersistentState(..) was used as a simple way to intercept
    > lifecycle events before listeners got introduced in 3.0. Now with
    > listeners in the picture, certain things have changed, and
    > 'setPersistentState' no longer works as before.

    Ah got it. I was following the doc which still refers to

    If possible it would be useful if Cayenne could automatically pick up
    the "class designator value" from the modeler to alleviate users from
    generating lifecycle listeners for this task.

    >> BTW I think we need better exception handling in such situation (e.g.
    >> throw
    >> CayenneRuntimeException("Object not registered"), not just NPE).

    Agreed this would be very helpful.

    kind regards


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