Re: JPA crossroads

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Apr 06 2009 - 05:05:53 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: JPA crossroads"

    NDA is not such a big hurdle for a potential contributor. You just
    sign it and that's it. Somehow no such contributors materialized even
    when JPA was a new frontier (compared to now when there's a bunch of
    alternative providers, and we don't have a way to differentiate

    The reasons for splitting that code are related to reducing the
    overhead we will incur. Namely:

    1. We need to get JPA out of the releases, including documentation.
    (If we don't ship the libs, keeping the docs does not make sense).

    2. Updating JPA classes as Cayenne core API evolves and ensuring all
    the tests still pass requires extra effort. This is not a huge deal
    now, but I expect it to become a drag in 3.1+, as we start diverging
    from JPA in things like callbacks, etc.

    But I agree that doing the proposed reorg is a strategical decision in
    a sense that we are sending a clear signal to the community: there
    will be no Cayenne JPA. At least this is honest. I am doing that
    reluctantly, considering how many man-months I spent on that. The
    consolation is that we filled the blanks in Cayenne core as a result,
    while staying true to Cayenne user-friendly origins. This is something
    to build upon.


    On Apr 6, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > On 06/04/2009, at 5:55 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> Since we are not shipping JPA with 3.0, and further future of this
    >> line of development is undefined, we need to make some decisions
    >> now. I suggest doing what we did for DataViews - a separate
    >> location in SVN, and a separate wiki space. If this effort is
    >> revived (of which I have very strong doubts), we'll get it back to
    >> the main subtree.
    > What is the downside of just leaving it as is? The framework is
    > nicely separated as a separate maven/eclipse project, and moving the
    > documentation to be a second class citizen will only discourage
    > anyone else from working on it.
    > As it is, there is perhaps more chance of someone finding it
    > interesting and working on it, although the hurdles of signing the
    > NDA, etc make that less likely.
    > Ari
    > -------------------------->
    > ish
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