Re: hessian as a separate solution?

From: Joseph Schmidt (
Date: Sun Apr 12 2009 - 12:25:33 EDT

  • Next message: Joseph Schmidt: "Re: maven plugin for importing DB schema"

    Thank you for your reply,
    > >> Would you please consider releasing that "generic"
    > part of
    > >> ROP (those nice improvements to hessian) as an
    > independent
    > >> library that would not depend on Cayenne, but only
    > on
    > >> Hessian?
    > Probably not,
    I see :(.

    > but nothing should prevent an interested
    > party to extract needed parts of code and do it on their
    > own. It is released under the Apache license after all.
    Another advantage of having that functionality independently would be that users who would want to use Cayenne-ROP with JSON (like it was expressed on these lists - cayenne members I guess), could just swap the JARs(to a JSON implementation) and use than directly ROP with e.g. Google GWT or ExtJS or Adobe RIA or other RIA (since most of them seems to use JSON).



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