Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-400) Support for user properties of DataMap objects.

From: Adrian A. (
Date: Tue Apr 14 2009 - 05:17:24 EDT

  • Next message: Adrian A.: "Re: Jira closed and resolved"

    > Yeah, this is a different task, something like CAY-659. I find the feauture
    > quite useful.
    > (BTW, is there a plan to do that?).
    > >
    > >
    > What do you mean by plan? This seems quite straightforward. It's all about
    > adding comments in API and modeler for DbEntities and DbAttributes (I'm not
    > so sure about DbRels) and then seal them in schema generating, reverse
    > engineering and migrating processes. I have no information whether comments
    > are supported by all DBMS, but I sincerelly hope so it is.
    Please read again Malcolm's comment from that issue(or other of his posts
    about this subject). I think he is right there.
    Also that what most users ask are comments as in vertical propagation of the
    DB comments to the upper levers (or in the opposite direction if the forward
    DB engineering approach is used, as opposed to the more widely used reverse
    engineering) .
    For this "comment" support there's also a partial implementation that is
    pretty advanced (i.e. UI in the Cayenne Modeler support is implemented),
    just that it was made quite a while ago:

    Thank you,

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