Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-400) Support for user properties of DataMap objects.

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Mon Jun 01 2009 - 09:34:44 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-400) Support for user properties of DataMap objects."

    On 01/06/2009, at 11:30 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

    > It would also be nice if the
    > documentation was very visible in the modeler to encourage use. In
    > EOModeler for EOF, the user info dictionary was buried and not as
    > useful.

    I've got a design for that which I think will work well.

    > I'm sure there could be other uses that people dream up, but
    > documenting the model would be the most popular I'd imagine -- at
    > least among the people I know.

    Yes, I think that javadoc and annotations will be two of the most
    popular uses. I'll be putting those into the default velocity
    templates since I think they will be a very common requirement.

    Ari Maniatis

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