Re: [jira] Resolved: (CAY-1167) Create model schema XSD

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Wed Jun 10 2009 - 05:40:08 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: [jira] Resolved: (CAY-1167) Create model schema XSD"

    Hi Ari,

    Here is Datamap.xml header generated by CM:

    <data-map xmlns=""

    I think it fails because second url in xsi:schemaLocation ( points to HTML, not to XSD.

    2009/6/10 Aristedes Maniatis <>

    > Hi Andrey
    > What is the schema location is it trying to load from?
    > How did you generate the datamap XML? Did you create a new project in
    > Cayenne Modeler? If you like, send me the XML offlist and I can see if I can
    > reproduce the problem.
    > Ari Maniatis
    > On 10/6/09 5:18 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >> Hi Ari,
    >> I've created a JIRA issue. Seems that Eclipse is trying to download XSD
    >> from
    >> specified location, but it is simple HTML.
    >> 2009/6/5 Aristedes Maniatis<>
    >> On 5/6/09 7:19 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >>> I started getting problems with validating DataMap XMLs in Eclipse. It
    >>>> says
    >>>> "Referenced file [i.e. our xsd schema] contains errors". And there are a
    >>>> lot
    >>>> of errors in details. Does anyone have such problems?
    >>>> I haven't seen any problems, but I'm not terribly surprised given that
    >>> there hasn't been any enforced validation until now. If you have some
    >>> details I am sure we can work through them to figure out what needs to be
    >>> tweaked. For example, the XSD is sensitive to the order of elements: I
    >>> think
    >>> I got the order right, but maybe something is mixed up.
    >>> Ari Maniatis

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