Re: Nested ROP contexts and relationships

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Nov 25 2009 - 03:35:26 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: svn commit: r884005 - /cayenne/main/trunk/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/resources/org/apache/cayenne/schema/3.0/modelMap.xsd"

    > my war against two branches of classes continues :)

    Great job :-)

    > -added little test (LightServerTest) for testing ROP-like server
    > classes.
    > very simple, still need to figure out how to create test stacks for
    > server &
    > client at once

    As a side note, I was thinking of an overhaul of the test framework
    for some time. Tests under cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished are rather hard
    to manage. E.g. group by DB type (some tests are not supported on some
    DB's), create data assemblies, etc. There's also lots of obsolete
    stuff (like Spring-based SQL queries).

    Olga did research on the background of JUnit4 and TestNG as the
    possible alternatives. This is a topic for separate thread, I was just
    holding it off intentionally, as we had a bunch of other active
    discussions and it's been a bit overwhelming to follow all of them.

    > -added util.Cayenne class with some internal and external methods

    Excellent! May I nitpick a bit ? :-)

    Can we split non-public methods into a non-public class under the util
    package (maybe even the existing org.apache.cayenne.util.Util), and
    move Cayenne to org.apache.cayenne package?

    Also since DataObjectUtils deprecation is a pretty serious frontend
    change, can we open a Jira for tracking purposes (and close it right
    after putting it in RELEASE-NOTES).


    On Nov 24, 2009, at 10:36 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

    > Just committed changes in ROP event processing. In a nutshell,
    > changes are:
    > -removed all ThreadLocals and PropertyChangeProcessingStrategy
    > -removed CCGraphAction & DCGraphAction to the glory of OCGraphAction
    > -added to methods to ToManyProperty
    > -added util.Cayenne class with some internal and external methods
    > -added new "Light Server Superclass" template. It allows to generate
    > ROP-like server classes (in fact, it allows same classes for server &
    > client). Classes like that can be generated through "Advanced" menu.
    > Currently it is adviced to set superclass
    > "org.apache.cayenne.PersistentObject" (nothing else tested)
    > -added little test (LightServerTest) for testing ROP-like server
    > classes.
    > very simple, still need to figure out how to create test stacks for
    > server &
    > client at once
    > my war against two branches of classes continues :)

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