Re: DI-based configuration works

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Tue Dec 08 2009 - 09:46:23 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: DI-based configuration works"

    I guess I'm confused as to where it will reside when published, then.
    You are talking about the Cayenne models (XML files) that need to be
    loaded by both the server and the modeler (does ROP need them, too?)
    and that need to be saved by the modeler, right?



    On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > It will be an "unpublished" module, and yes, only the Modeler will be
    > importing it now. I sort of like to keep things modular as long as it
    > doesn't create user confusion (which I think it doesn't in this case).
    > Andrus
    > On Dec 8, 2009, at 9:26 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    >> Is creating a separate module needed or would that just add more
    >> confusion?  Would there be yet another JAR that shows up in the Maven
    >> repository for people to have to decide what they want?
    >> Seems to me the server side needs to be able to load the model, but
    >> only the Modeler needs to be able to save.
    >> mrg
    >> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Andrus Adamchik <>
    >> wrote:
    >>> I been thinking about this step, and decided against moving o.a.c.conf to
    >>> the Modeler. Instead I am going to create a separate new module
    >>> cayenne-project-unpublished, implementing project saving/loading
    >>> functionality with the Modeler use in mind. Once this is done, the
    >>> Modeler
    >>> and runtime can be switched to the new stack simultaneously, and
    >>> o.a.c.conf
    >>> and o.a.c.project removed from the runtime jars.

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