Re: eclipse plugin for modeler

From: Khailenko Ksenia (
Date: Wed Mar 03 2010 - 11:40:03 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: eclipse plugin for modeler"

    Hi there!

    2010/3/3 Andrey Razumovsky <>

    > (1) Can we have menu item Open With -> Cayenne Modeler so that user
    > wouldn't
    > have to choose "Other..." dialog every time?

    I've tried to do this but there is a problem that by default it's possible
    to add a restriction to the extension of the file opening by editor plugin.
    But sure, there should be solution for that and I intend to find it.

    (2). "Cayenne Project" item in "New" dialog would be a very good way to
    > create new projects.

    Yes, such an option is supported by the Click eclipse plugin for opening
    modeler and it should be supported by our plugin too.

    > (3). When saving dialog, irritating dialog popups saying that project files
    > were changed in on disk [in eclipse]. This is not correct as files were
    > changed in CM, so there must be a hack to override the behavior (e.g.
    > manual
    > changing dates in ProjectWatchdog FileInfo's)

    Just to clarify, do you see these popups at modeler or at eclipse? it should
    be updated at eclipse automatically without any promts. If this is referred
    to modeler - yes, I haven't changed default behavior, and it is "TODO" task

    > (4) Classgen dialogs are little irritating as well, especially if there are
    > no changes in classes themselves (e.g. chaging schema name). This is
    > actually a problem I've been facing for a long time, I think we need to
    > track changes of ObjEntities and show popup dialog if there are some (and
    > check only them). Also classgen dialogs show on top of validation errors,
    > not sure this is fine.

    Now the class generation works automatically on save and these dialogs allow
    user to cancel the genetating if there's no need at it, but ofcourse you are
    right and we should show popups only if we really need the generating

    > (5). If something else than datamap is selected in tree (e.g. dataNode),
    > project does not save
    I haven't seen this, it seems to be a bug

    > My conclusion is that, a little improved, the plugin will be definitely
    > useful and I vote it to be part of Cayenne (integrated in SVN for the
    > start)
    > 2010/2/18 Andrus Adamchik <>
    > > Yeah, IIRC Maven 3.0 was required to run Tycho stuff.
    > >
    > > Andrus
    > >
    > >
    > > On Feb 18, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Khailenko Ksenia wrote:
    > >
    > > Oh, sorry I've not mentioned: I've used maven 3.0-alpha-6, it hasn't
    > these
    > >> problems with versions
    > >>
    > >> 2010/2/18 Andrey Razumovsky <>
    > >>
    > >> Umm how do you compile the plugin? I have problems with eclipse
    > >>> depencencies. I get hit by [1]. Tried [2] workaround, it helps, but
    > there
    > >>> are tons of dependencies (i'm using maven 2.2.0).
    > >>>
    > >>> [1]
    > >>> [2]
    > >>>
    > >>> 2010/2/12 Andrus Adamchik <>
    > >>>
    > >>> I want to try when I have a bit more time, but good point, this can be
    > a
    > >>>> problem in a non-Windows L&F. I guess we can completely take over the
    > >>>>
    > >>> menu
    > >>>
    > >>>> creation in CM, and attach the menus to Eclipse (or maybe it just
    > works
    > >>>> somehow???)
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Anyways, the same VM operation is very promising - we don't need to
    > redo
    > >>>>
    > >>> CM
    > >>>
    > >>>> as a plugin, and we don't need to write Eclipse/CM network
    > communication
    > >>>> protocol. Instead we just embed it and only write the glue code in the
    > >>>> plugin (which is exactly what Ksenia did in this demo). I guess this
    > >>>> will
    > >>>> require some refactoring of the CM startup and configuration, which I
    > >>>>
    > >>> wish
    > >>>
    > >>>> we'd do regardless.
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Andrus
    > >>>>
    > >>>> ---------------
    > >>>> Andrus Adamchik
    > >>>> Apache Cayenne ORM:
    > >>>> Twitter:
    > >>>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 5:46 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    > >>>>
    > >>>> I'm curious if you have tried this on OS X? If you are running in the
    > >>>>
    > >>>>> same JVM as Eclipse, then I suspect there will be OS X issues due to
    > >>>>> the menus.
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> Thanks,
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> mrg
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 6:20 AM, Khailenko Ksenia
    > >>>>> <> wrote:
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> Hi there!
    > >>>>>> I'd like you to introduce this demo of the
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > cayenne-modeler-eclipse-plugin(Research-eclipse-plugin-for-opening-cayenne-modeler.patch
    > >>>
    > >>>> at ).
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> This works like an editor now. So, to open the modeler from eclipse
    > >>>>>> you should select the existing cayenne*.xml in your eclipse project
    > >>>>>> and after the right click on it choose the "Open With/Other"
    > command.
    > >>>>>> Then in the wizard of "Editor selection"("Internal editors" option)
    > >>>>>> choose "Cayenne Modeler Eclipse Plugin".
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> This will run Cayenne Modeler on the same jvm as your Eclipse is
    > >>>>>> running. Cayenne Modeler will open the project of cayenne*.xml
    > you've
    > >>>>>> selected and will update the corresponding eclipse project every
    > time
    > >>>>>> you save the project in modeler. Buttons and menues corresponding to
    > >>>>>> creating of new project or opening some another project are
    > disabled.
    > >>>>>> Command "Close Project" will force the modeler to quit. Also when
    > you
    > >>>>>> save the project in modeler the dialog of generating classes appears
    > >>>>>> for every dataMap existing at the project. Now there are no any
    > >>>>>> restrictions on opening any file in the eclipse workspace with this
    > >>>>>> editor, and if the file you attempt to open is not match
    > cayenne*.xml
    > >>>>>> this will force the Modeler to be opened with the default view of
    > >>>>>> choosing the project.
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> --
    > >>>>>> Regards, Ksenia Khailenko
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>
    > >>> --
    > >>> Andrey
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> --
    > >> Regards, Ksenia Khailenko
    > >>
    > >
    > >
    > --
    > Andrey

    Regards, Ksenia Khailenko

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