Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-477) Support for preordered relationships

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Mar 04 2010 - 07:53:35 EST

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    I don't think it will conflict with EJBQL in any way.

    On Mar 4, 2010, at 7:29 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

    > I think that will be enough for now.
    > And what about EJBQL? Will it conflict with specification if we return
    > relationships already preordered? (although I haven't yet thought of
    > how to
    > do it)
    > 2010/3/4 Andrus Adamchik <>
    >> I agree with the query vs. relationship comparison. Unfortunately the
    >> mapping solution will correspond to a mapped query, vs. query
    >> created in the
    >> code.
    >> It is only easy to implement if we allow the list to go unordered on
    >> changes of its objects. Which I think is ok, as I mentioned earlier.
    >> Andrus
    >> On Mar 4, 2010, at 2:55 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >> The problem is that explicit query allows orderings, while indirect
    >> (via
    >>> Artist.getPaintings()) does not (the same can be said about e.g.
    >>> prefetches
    >>> though). So, if I want some array to be sorted (which is quite
    >>> often) I
    >>> have
    >>> to create queries for to-many orderings. Since I often use
    >>> reflection-based
    >>> invocations, I have to create new methods, like
    >>> getOrderedPaintings(),
    >>> moreover, bother about caching the data. IMO the feature is easy to
    >>> implement (most is in the patch, actually) and worth it. Also note
    >>> that
    >>> we've seen several same wishes on the user list
    >>> artist.getPaintings(Comparator/Ordering) is fine, but we can't
    >>> generate
    >>> that
    >>> methods for every relationship, and more generic methods will lose
    >>> things
    >>> like Java Generics advantages.
    >>> My vision is that this feature will be used for relationships that
    >>> are
    >>> ordered is same way [by default] in every context - e.g. I want
    >>> people to
    >>> be
    >>> sorted by name everywhere.
    >>> 2010/3/4 Aristedes Maniatis <>
    >>> On 4/03/10 8:28 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>>> Also here is a reason why I don't find ordering of relationships
    >>>>> particularly useful is that things like ordering are context
    >>>>> dependent
    >>>>> ("context" in a general sense)... The same mapping can be used by
    >>>>> different UI frontends with different ordering requirements.
    >>>> Having a default ordering for ObjEntities defined in the model is
    >>>> what
    >>>> Rails does. Any time you fetch that entity, be it directly
    >>>> through a
    >>>> Query
    >>>> or via a relation, you get the results back with that ordering.
    >>>> Personally I don't see the point. Ordering in the database is
    >>>> very useful
    >>>> if you are paging the results. Or using a limit. But when following
    >>>> relations, neither of those things applies, so you may as well
    >>>> just do it
    >>>> in
    >>>> memory once you have the list returned.
    >>>> Perhaps a simplified notation might be useful though:
    >>>> artist.getPaintings(Comparator/Ordering)
    >>>> Ari
    >>>> --
    >>>> -------------------------->
    >>>> Aristedes Maniatis
    >>>> GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C 5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A
    >>> --
    >>> Andrey
    > --
    > Andrey

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