Automated Validation of Attributes

From: Andrew Lindesay (
Date: Tue Mar 09 2010 - 22:42:58 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Automated Validation of Attributes"


    As you may know, WebObjects/EOF has the protocol;


    Specifically, this protocol implements the following two methods;

            Object validateTakeValueForKeyPath(Object value, String keyPath)
            Object validateValueForKey(Object value, String key)

    The effect is that when a client tries to write a property "foo", it will ultimately try to invoke;

            Object validateFoo(Object value) throws NSValidation.ValidationException


            setFoo(Object value) order to either "repair" the value before assigning or to throw an exception. This is very handy from the user-interface perspective. For each attribute of an entity, this technique is also automatically used in the case of "validateForSave()" which means that aside from inter-attribute validation, per-attribute validations can be implemented just once.

    To provide this same behaviour to Cayenne, I would like to put forward the idea to implement something similar;

            validatedWriteProperty(ValidationResult vr, String propName, Object value)
            validatedWriteNestedProperty(ValidationResult vr, String propName, Object value)

    This would use (cached) reflection to look for a "validate" method and fire that before writing the property. For each attribute of a DataObject's entity, these methods would be fired from;

            void validateForSave(ValidationResult validationResult)

    Does this make sense in the context of Cayenne?


    Andrew Lindesay

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