executing raw sql

From: Martin Ruff (mruf..imeon.ch)
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 08:43:08 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: executing raw sql"

    I'd like to execute the following sql
    delete from tmp_cm_user_kpi
    INSERT INTO tmp_cm_user_kpi (tmp_cm_user_kpi_id, kpi_id, kpi_value,
    valuta_timestamp, user_id) SELECT user_kpi_id, kpi_id, kpi_value,
    max(valuta_timestamp), user_id FROM cm_user_kpi where kpi_id = 1 group by
    select distinct a.* from cm_user_kpi a, tmp_cm_user_kpi b WHERE a.kpi_id =
    b.kpi_id and a.valuta_timestamp = b.valuta_timestamp order by kpi_value

    I tried:
                    SqlSelectQuery kpiscoresquery = new SqlSelectQuery();
                    kpiscoresquery.setSqlString("select distinct a.* from cm_user_kpi a,
    tmp_cm_user_kpi b WHERE a.kpi_id = b.kpi_id and a.valuta_timestamp =
    b.valuta_timestamp order by kpi_value desc");
                    ctxt.performQuery(kpiscoresquery, new ScoreQueryObserver(this));
    I get the error:
    org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: Could not find DbEntity
    for query with root :null
    but which one should be the root?
    cm_user_kpi or tmp_cm_user_kpi
    my observer looks like this:
    public class ScoreQueryObserver implements OperationObserver
            private LocalCompetitionManager Caller;
            public ScoreQueryObserver(LocalCompetitionManager caller)
                    this.Caller = caller;
            public void nextBatchCount(Query query, int[] resultCount)
            public void nextCount(Query query, int resultCount)
            public void nextDataRows(Query query, java.util.List dataRows)
            public void nextDataRows(Query q, ResultIterator it)
            public void nextGlobalException(java.lang.Exception ex)
            public void nextQueryException(Query query, java.lang.Exception ex)
            public java.util.List orderQueries(DataNode aNode, java.util.List queryList)
                    return null;
            public void transactionCommitted()
            public void transactionRolledback()

            public Level getLoggingLevel()
                    return Level.WARN;
            public boolean isIteratedResult()
                    return false;
            public boolean useAutoCommit()
                    return true;

    thanks for help
    Be the change you want to see in the world.

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