Re: Newbie: suggestions for help with JBuilder....

From: Holger Hoffstätte (
Date: Sun May 11 2003 - 07:40:37 EDT

  • Next message: Andriy Shapochka: "Re: Newbie: suggestions for help with JBuilder...."

    Hi David,

    thanks for your feedback.

    "David W. Taylor" wrote:
    > 1. Please describe the Logging .properties file in more detail. In the end I
    > discovered that I don't need it but it confused me as I debugged the
    > cayenne.xml discovery problem at 2 below.

    Did you see chapter 13.6 "Configuring Logging" or was it not descriptive

    > 2. Please describe the four states for the "cayenne.xml" discovery code.

    It's more complicated than only ResourceLocator; in fact resource lookup
    necessary for bootstrapping something is way more complicated than many
    people imagine. Anyway, the missing docs on Configuration are squarely my
    fault; I've already written some more but need to finish and commit it.
    AFAICT I'll have time for this starting tomorrow, so that it will be part
    of the upcoming beta-3 release.

    > The code that uses them in DefaultConfiguration is:
    > l.setSkipAbsolutePath(true);
    > l.setSkipClasspath(false);
    > l.setSkipCurrentDirectory(true);
    > l.setSkipHomeDirectory(false);
    > Where are these documented? In the end to get things working, I changed
    > the last to false.

    That was, unfortunately, very wrong. :-) As you correctly found out,
    concrete Configuration subclasses use a ResourceLocator to actually find &
    load things. I need to document this, but you're not supposed to change
    this behaviour unless you expect 'surprising' (i.e. random) results. For
    historical reasons the Configuration's ResourceLocator is public (IMHO it
    shouldn't be, to prevent the error you made) and DefaultConfiguration
    should really better be called ClasspathConfiguration, but isn't. Maybe in
    the next version.

    So how do we solve your setup woes? There are several ways:

    - put your cayenne.xml etc. files on the top-level classpath of your
    project. This will work immediately, no messing required.

    - if you want to put them in a subdirectory of your classpath (aka a Java
    package), create an empty subclass (except for Constructors) of
    DefaultConfiguration, put it into the package in question and use
    Configuration.initializeSharedConfiguration(new YourConfiguration()) to
    set up everything. The subclass is necessary because (AFAIK) loading
    classes is the only reliable way in Java to find stuff in unresolved
    packages, as it is often the case on startup. java.lang.Package does _not_
    contain all available packages after startup, only the ones that have so
    far been referenced by the class loader; this makes it unsuitable for
    resource lookup. There's nothing I can do about that.

    - if you want to have stuff in the filesystem outside your classpath, use
    FileConfiguration - it was made exactly for that purpose and is quite

    // default configuration file name (cayenne.xml)
    conf = new FileConfiguration();

    // custom named configuration file
    conf = new FileConfiguration("myapp-cayenne.xml");

    // add a search path that is checked for existence
    conf.getResourceLocator().addFilesystemPath(new File("/temp"));

    // add a possibly existing search path

    Paths can be relative to the "current working directory" or absolute. The
    File version checks the argument, the String version doesn't (nice for
    ordered lookups in several places).

    More about all this can be found in the javadocs for Configuration,
    DefaultConfiguration and FileConfiguration. Running applications in a
    Servlet container adds another level of complexity, because of security
    and other constraints; see BasicServletConfiguration and

    > 3. Please document the use of the types.xml file, which is used for each
    > database type. It is stored only in the .jar file beside each
    > xxxxAdapter.class file in org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.mysql, for example.

    I'm curious - why would you need it? This is only used internally.

    > 4. Please update the web site. The link for Jakarta Log4J package, version
    > 1.2.7 in the User Guide incorrectly points at Jakarta ORO Regular
    > Expressions package.


    > 5. Building with source using JBuilder instead of Ant needs the source for
    > org.objectstyle.ashwood.xxxx to be available. The download for Ashwood uses
    > the obsolete package layout net.ash.dbutil instead of
    > org.objectstyle.ashwood.xxxx. (I cobbled together a .jar file to get around
    > this by deleting all other classes from the main .jar file and renaming it.)

    I think this must be done by Andrus or Andriy (Ashwood's dad).

    > 6. Now that I am working I have configuration files in three distinct
    > locations: the "Home" directory

    See above - the .xml files should simply be in the project.

    > the "Home"\.cayenne directory and the

    This is used mainly for Modeler's preferences and log file (if enabled);
    you _can_ put the log4j file there for development,
    but it's not really necessary. It's mostly historical since Modeler used
    to work with JDK 1.3 which had no built-in Preferences system. OTOH on
    UNIX the JDK 1.4 preferences system simply writes to your $HOME as well,
    so it's not much of a difference anyway.

    > org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.mysql directory. This seems confusing. How

    The last one is definitely wrong. You never need to put stuff into
    framework packages, and the JDBC types mapping should not be your concern.

    > about everything useful being in the "Home"\.cayenne directory?

    Technically possible, but not useful for a multitude of non-obvious
    reasons (security, obscurity, deployability..) :(

    Anyway, I hope these tips get you back on track! Please let us know how
    they worked for you and about any other oddities that you find.


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