Re: strange behaviour

From: martin ruff (
Date: Sat May 17 2003 - 06:41:31 EDT

  • Next message: Tore Halset: "[newbie] cayenne & tapestry: how to validate form?"

    Hi Andrus,
    Right now the error does not happen again, at the moment I cannot
    reproduce it. But I will keep on investigating.
    One assumption, or question. There was a exception on a 'static' object
    all further database operations using this same datacontext (but
    different objects) threw this exception. There was no way of recovering.
    I had to restart my application (I restarted tomcat, my servlet
    container) and since I the error did not happen again.
    Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Martin,
    > there is indeed a possibility that your problem is due to a timed out
      connection. Lets try to diagnose this. A few questions:
    > 1. Is this a webapplication (if so - what container do you use)? In
    this case this advise may be applicable:

    Yes, it is a web application, I am using tomat

    > 2. If this is a multiuser application, are there other,
    session-level, DataContexts? If so, do they experience the same
    problem? I am asking since DataContext is not directly accessin gthe
    connection, so the behavior of all DataContexts, shared or not, should
    be same in case of dropped connections.

    This Is a very good idea, yes there are other session level DataContexts
    But I did not think about doing operations on session level datacontext,
    when the excption occured. But if the exception occurs again I will try

    > 3. There should be other exceptions that caused the exception you
    posted. Do you see an underlying stack trace?

    On the top level of my application (struts requestprocessor) I catch all
    exceptions not cought by application components. They
    are wrapped in a ServeleExcption by the container, so I get a
    ServletException in my application. The stacktrace I posted was the one
    I get when I do a stacktrace on the root execption the Servletexception
    SO I think I have to have a closer look at ServletException to see if it
    can provide more information

    > Andrus
    > On Thursday, May 15, 2003, at 04:07 AM, martin ruff wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> In my application I have rather static objects (they change very
    seldom). therefore I have a singleton object (I call it A here) which
    handles all the static data. The singleton has a reference to a
    datacontext it uses to get the static objects.
    >> When I run the application in my development environment, everything
      works fine, I can change and write back this rather static data
    >> but now I deployed the application in our testenvironment and there
    it is running 7*24
    >> Now if I want to change one of the static I get:
    >> org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: Raising
    from underlyingQueryEngine exception.
    >> at
    >> at
    org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataNode.performQueries( 2)
    >> at
    >> at
    >> ....
    >> That Datacontext used in the singleton A has a verly long lifetime,
      could it be that the db-connections in its commection pool are loosing
      the connection to the database, could this cause the problem?
    >> In another application we use cayenne together with mysql there we
    have to use the autoReconnect feature for the db-connection:
    >> <url value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/comp3?autoReconnect=true"/>
    >> In the application we have the problem we're using postgres
    >> PostgreSQL 7.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.3
    >> using the pgjdbc2.jar driver ( PostgreSQL 7.2.x Java2 JDK1.2,
    JDK1.3, JDK1.4)
    >> thanks for help
    >> martin

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