Re: Help with PK field accessible by web app

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 21:26:15 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Error trying to commit"

    > ObjectId objectId = new ObjectId(Category.class, id);

    Doh! The line above of course should look like this:

        ObjectId objectId = new ObjectId(Category.class, "CATEGORY_ID", id);


    >> I would love to have some type of ObjectId that I could print to
    >> string and then from a string do a
    >> Category = ctxt.loadObjectById(Category.class, objectIdString);
    >> Are there any hints how to achieve what I want without losing the
    >> autogenerate PK? I would be willing to add another column, but I did
    >> not want to worry about generating values for this myself. I like the
    >> abstraction of just worrying about the objects and not the underlying
    >> db with this one exception.
    >> Maybe I should change the way I think about writing this type of
    >> Add/Edit/Delete stuff for Cayenne.
    > I was lucky to have most of my web development experience acquired using
    > WebObjects, where there is no need to think of such things, but well...
    > the rest of the world have to handle this manually :-). Cayenne wouldn't
    > change this much, it is a presentation layer to blame.
    > Anyway, answering your question, given an integer, you can easily obtain
    > an object in Cayenne, , and vice versa, exposing only a little bit of
    > the underlying database :
    > // getting id from object
    > Object id =
    > categoryObject.getObjectId().getValueForAttribute("CATEGORY_ID");
    > // getting object for id
    > int id = Integer.parseInt(idString);
    > ObjectId objectId = new ObjectId(Category.class, id);
    > Category category = (Category)ctxt.registeredObject(objectId);
    > I guess we need to put this somewhere in the User Guide, looks like
    > doing this is unavoidable sometimes...
    > Hope this helps.
    > Andrus

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