DataContext.localObjects() singular form

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Jan 20 2006 - 23:01:39 EST

  • Next message: Zvonimir Spajic: "Problems with prefetching of many-to-many relationship-objects"

    IIRC there was a discussion some time back about why we have
    'DataContext.localObjects()', but no 'localObject()' method, with my
    argument going along the lines of "too many methods are confusing"...

    Anyways, it just occurred to me that this code does the same as
    "missing" 'localObject' (more so in yet unreleased M11 where CAY-380
    will be fixed) -

    DataObject localObject = context.registeredObject

    Just thought I'd share :-)


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