Re: using cayenne to synchronize databases

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Jan 24 2006 - 15:51:38 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: using cayenne to synchronize databases"

    Simple scenarios and smaller databases can be handled by Cayenne
    DataPort (remote to local part). It is included in 1.2 and can be
    used either as an Ant task or from the API. It can rebuild the full
    database and load the data.

    I guess a generic scaleable implementation of a synchronizable
    offline DB will be better addressed at the DB level. Probably worse
    checking what different DB engines use to implement replication.


    On Jan 24, 2006, at 11:53 AM, wrote:

    > Hi.
    > I have to build a system which uses 2 databases. One is a central
    > database for all user and second is database only for single user
    > and it is local copy of central database. The local database is
    > used when user doesnt have internet connection to central database.
    > In other cases the central database is used. Each db has exacly the
    > same table structure and it is the same RDMS.
    > I have problem with create tool to synchronize data between local
    > and remote database. I have created a simple application that use
    > sql querys for checking diffrences and sending records from local
    > to remote db. and in the opposite direction (from remote to local)
    > i just read entire tables and put it in local db. I understand that
    > it isnt the bast way - it needs user to make several actions and it
    > will be painful when databases grows.
    > Is there any way to use Cayenne to synchronize this to database? I
    > dream of something that runs in background, without user knowing of
    > synchronization( But it isnt neccesary).
    > Thanks for any help
    > Jacek

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