Re: Making a copy of an object that is persisted by Cayenne

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Jun 01 2006 - 11:46:10 EDT

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    Cayenne 1.2 has some unadvertised object graph cloning facilities
    centered around ClassDescriptor interface (that has a 'shallowMerge'
    method). I've written a few specialized operations, such as
    DeepMergeOperation and ObjectDetachOperation in Util package that are
    doing smart deep copy for some internal use.

    Could you explain a bit what is the purpose of the copy operation and
    whether the original and cloned objects are (or should be) registered
    with a DataContext and whether this is the same DataContext for the
    original and the clone.


    On May 31, 2006, at 1:03 PM, Eric Lazarus wrote:

    > What are the best ways to copy an object that is
    > persisted by Cayenne? I'm an old-time smalltalk
    > programmer and like to write a copy and a postCopy
    > method where a shallowCopy method is called before
    > the postCopy method is called and shallowCopy just
    > calls clone.
    > Are there any tricks to do take into account when
    > doing a copy of a subclass of a cayenne DataObject?
    > Does the clone method perform a shallowCopy and give
    > me back something that will persist correctly? Do I
    > need to do something so that the clone will be known
    > to cayenne? Perhaps clone is not supported at all in
    > cayenne?
    > I see a mention of SnapShot but I dont know what that
    > is. I also see cloneViaSerialization but perhaps that
    > is just for use with internal data structures and not
    > my domain objects?
    > Thanks,
    > Eric

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