RE: Null pointer exceptions and database null

From: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\) ("Gentry,)
Date: Thu Aug 03 2006 - 16:31:07 EDT

  • Next message: Øyvind Harboe: "Re: Null pointer exceptions and database null"

    I'm not 100% certain why you would want to do that (sometimes you need to know when things are null). I do agree it can complicate code (I really miss Objective-C's handling). One thing EOF did was have an EONull class to represent null objects. You could fudge this sort of behavior with a custom common superclass (that all the _Classes inherit from), but it wouldn't be quite the same as if Cayenne had support for it. This might actually be enhancement worthy, but would probably break lots of things.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] On Behalf Of Øyvind Harboe
    Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 4:03 PM
    Subject: Null pointer exceptions and database null

    Is there a way to tell Cayenne to return some other value than null
    when the database contains null?

    E.g. for String I want an empty string instead of null, for Integer I
    want 0 instead of null, etc.

    Also, I want Cayenne not to modify the database unecessarily, e.g. if
    Cayenne returns "" when the database contains NULL and I write back
    "" to the database, I don't want Cayenne to write an empty string to
    the database, but leave the database unchanged, yet there needs to be
    a way to set such database null strings to "".

    My personal favourite solution to null pointer problem is
    polymorphism. Create a subclass which handles the "null", "empty",
    case, etc. One annoying thing about null pointers is that they are
    typeless. I would have created a NullString subclass to String in some
    cases, except String is final. BigDecimal is not final, so the trick
    could work there. Since I'm already on my hobbyhorse: null pointers
    are a plague. Much too easy to misuse. Look at the number of bug
    reports in e.g. Eclipse that are NPE's(ca. 15000 out of 150000) and
    the number of != null or == null checks in Eclipse is just staggering.
    It vastly complicates the code. Oh well. :-)

    Øyvind Harboe

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