Re: Cayenne vs JPA tools

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Sun Feb 25 2007 - 13:47:08 EST

  • Next message: John: "Re: Cayenne vs JPA tools"


    My suggestion would be that you try to do everything you can with the
    JPA api, and supplement the rest with whichever specific JPA
    implementor you're using.

    Worse case, you'll be more easily migrate to another JPA implementor
    if the current one doesn't work out.

    You can probably even do things like import your EOModel into Cayenne,
    and if Cayenne JPA isn't far enough along at a given point for your
    purposes, you can just use it to generate generic JPA files and use
    another implementation (Toplink Essentials, Hibernate, OpenJPA,
    whatever) as your runtime.

    As you noted, Cayenne's biggest draw is the modeler. As time passes,
    the JPA implementations are all going to start to look identical to
    the end-user, and only extras like the modeler will provide

    My current project is not Cayenne-based, but I've modified the 1.2
    Cayenne modeler to read in the metadata (stored in a proprietary
    database format) for this project, and generate appropriate classes
    (currently stub DAOs pretending to be a database layer). A little
    further down the road, I'll be using the modeler to generate JPA. I
    don't have any control over which version of JPA we'll end up using,
    but in my opinion that's less important than the modeling tool.

    On 2/25/07, Dov Rosenberg <> wrote:
    > I have taken a look at Hibernate a bit this weekend which claims to be JPA
    > compliant. I haven't looked at the JPA APIs in much detail yet, but what is
    > your gut feeling on the migration path between Cayenne 2.x and Cayenne JPA?
    > We are already going thru a lot of changes to migrate from EOF to Cayenne -
    > I really don't want to have to radically rebuild our app again when Cayenne
    > JPA rolls around.
    > BTW - I don't really care for the manual building of Hibernate mapping
    > files. It seems like a step backward from Cayenne.
    > I haven't gone into depth yet on Hibernate - it seems capable but I think
    > people who have never used tools like EOF or Cayenne really don't appreciate
    > their sophistication and design.
    > Are there any comparisons between current versions of Hibernate and Cayenne?
    > Thanks in advance
    > Dov Rosenberg
    > On 2/25/07 9:49 AM, "Andrus Adamchik" <> wrote:
    > > Yep - JPA work progressed greatly. Cayenne 3.0 version can be viewed
    > > as "Cayenne Classic" and "Cayenne JPA" working in the same runtime.
    > > My opinion is that standard JPA API hides too much stuff under the
    > > hood, so a real application will end up using provider specific
    > > features in some form anyways. In any event, in Cayenne we will
    > > support both with some migration capability.
    > >
    > > Andrus
    > >
    > >
    > > On Feb 23, 2007, at 10:45 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    > >
    > >> Well, Andrus is hard at work on making Cayenne 3.0 JPA-compliant, so
    > >> perhaps you'd still be happy staying with Cayenne?
    > >>
    > >> /dev/mrg
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> On 2/23/07, Dov Rosenberg <> wrote:
    > >>> We are in the process of considering a migration away from our
    > >>> current EOF
    > >>> based application. We have used Cayenne and found it to be pretty
    > >>> nice. Now
    > >>> that JPA is starting to gain some traction should we reconsider
    > >>> our decision
    > >>> for Cayenne and aim instead of a JPA compatible framework?
    > >>>
    > >>> Thanks in advance for any feedback you can provide
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>> --
    > >>> Dov Rosenberg
    > >>> Inquira
    > >>> Knowledge Management Experts
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>
    > >

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