Re: tapestry5-cayenne

From: Borut Bolčina (
Date: Sat Jan 17 2009 - 06:08:50 EST

  • Next message: Stephen Winnall: "SQL domain types in Cayenne"

    Hi Robert,

    that sounds cool. If you find the time to rewrite the documentation, try to
    write it like the reader has none or very little knowledge of Tapestry and
    Cayenne. IMO it is essential for a reader to understand the basics first,
    like - why can't I just use CayenneFilter in my web.xml? When do I need
    DataContext? When do I need to store it in the session? What are the
    consequences in storing whole objects in the session? Are there two ways to
    achieve the same thing? Maybe one is better then another when application is
    in the cluster? What do I put in the session? What happens automatically? Do
    I need more than one DataContext? Can I put something in the
    service/application scope? Can I get away without using sessions?

    I am sure others on this list have also a lot of questions/suggestions.

    Sometimes it is hard to grasp some concepts because Tapestry is a framework
    with convention over configuration concept and if you throw IoC container in
    this mix you can have a recipe for disaster for someone trying to learn
    three technologies at the same time with scatered/missing documentation.

    The examples should be small, demonstrating one or two features at at time,
    maybe something similar to JumpStart for Tapestry. I will be doing a
    presentation in my company in two weeks time. I also have lots to learn for
    this Tapestry Cayenne combo. The docs would help me immensely!


    2009/1/16 Robert Zeigler <>

    > Hi Borut,
    > I've been really busy the last while, involved with school and some
    > contracting work that, most unfortunately, didn't involve cayenne.
    > I hope to pick up development of the tapestry-cayenne module and contribute
    > more actively to cayenne development in the very near future (ie: this
    > weekend).
    > Robert
    > On Jan 16, 2009, at 1/163:13 AM , Borut Bolčina wrote:
    > Hi,
    >> after a while I checked the list at
    >> again to see
    >> if
    >> anything is happening. I am doing a tutorial series on Tapestry 5 at
    >> and my plan is to include Cayenne 3.0M5 in
    >> the near future.
    >> As a fan of Cayenne, I would like to see tapestry-cayenne module side by
    >> side to tapestry-hibernate module at
    >> the menu on the left side
    >> under Tapestry 5 Modules.
    >> Can I help in any way for this to happen?
    >> Moreover, a 0.2 release of tapestry5-cayenne is neccessary now as Cayenne
    >> 3.0M5 and Tapestry 5.0.18 are released. And the documentation on
    >> tapestry5-cayenne needs examples and more explanations.
    >> Any chance for this to happen in a month?
    >> Regards,
    >> Borut

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