Re: Auditing SQL queries

From: Laurent Marchal (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2009 - 18:19:06 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Auditing SQL queries"

    Yeah i agree that table/field/date/old value/new value is clearer, but
    it seems complex to me to have old/new values.

    Do you found a good way to do this ?

    Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    > If you want the sql executed, query logger seems like it might be your
    > best best.
    > For what it's worth, we occasionally need to go through our audit logs
    > to research why something changed, and if we had to work with raw sql,
    > it'd be pretty hopeless. Breaking things out into
    > table/field/date/old value/new value/source-of-change-identity makes
    > things a lot better.
    > On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Laurent Marchal <> wrote:
    >> Hello there,
    >> In our product we need to audit all the database modifications (creates,
    >> updates, deletes) and log them in an audit table. I see some olds posts in
    >> the ML about that and there are solutions for that in cayenne. But i would
    >> like to know if somebody have some hints about the best way to implement it
    >> with cayenne.
    >> As we need to store the raw SQL query executed, should we use QueryLogger,
    >> TransactionDelegate, DataContextDelegate, Lifycle listeners ?
    >> Thanks.
    >> Laurent

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