Re: 3.0 cache documentation

From: Borut Bolčina (
Date: Wed May 13 2009 - 09:28:28 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Shea: "CAY-943"


    I am reading the cache docs now and have some suggestions and queations:

    "QueryCache Management
    The query cache provider is installed via
    org.apache.cayenne.cache.QueryCacheFactory. The factory can be configured in
    the Modeler for the DataDomain..."

    Create a note that this functionality is not available in current release.

    "...or set in code"

    An example would be of great value.

    Now a question. Let's say I create a select query on paintings with OSCache
    cache group paintings. Lets say there are 3 paintings: p1, p2 and p3.

    Now they are cached in object cache and in separete query cache? Two cache

    Let's say I create another painting and insert it into the db. The new
    painting p4 is now in object cache. If I want to have fresh list of
    paintings, I now have to invalidate the paintings cache group in the
    onCommit callback function. Is there an alternative, like simply adding this
    p4 to cache group paintings?

    If not, will the subsequent fetch contact the db for all p1-p4 or is there a
    way that paintings will get fetched from object cache if they are there? I
    want to avoid reading (tens of)thousands of rows because occasionally some
    get inserted.


    2009/5/4 Andrus Adamchik <>
    > Finally got around to documenting how the caching works in the latest
    > Note that the references to cache groups and factories configuration via
    the Modeler are applicable to the trunk code (yet unreleased 3.0M6). 3.0M5
    has all the same features, but working via the API.
    > I tried to stay away from the implementation details and give a user
    perspective instead. If there is still a feeling that the docs are lacking
    in this area, please share your thoughts. I will try to address any
    reasonable suggestions.
    > Andrus

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