Re: Trouble with WOApplication on OSX

From: Tatsuya Kawano (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 15:59:28 EDT

  • Next message: Gavin Eadie: "Re: Trouble with WOApplication on OSX"


    > I've downloaded the latest release of WOProject (1.0a1) and am finding
    > it doesn't generate a working executable on OSX. Does anyone have a fix?

    I think the reason for this is that:

    - Mac OS X doesn't have the NEXT_ROOT environmental variable
    - There are directory tree difference on wo.woroot and wo.localroot
      properties between Mac OS X and Windows

    I've been thinking to contribute a solution for this but I'm an Ant beginner
    and still reading documents for Ant and WO Project at this point.

    For now, you could workaround the issue by manually specifying some
    properties in Ant script. We (Project Wonder) do have a "under-development"
    Mac OS X Ant script at the following URL, and you may want to look at it.

    It's still messy at this point but at least it works.

    Hope this helps,

    Tatsuya Kawano
    New York, NY 10016

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