First try of creating a WOLips independent build file

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Mon Sep 23 2002 - 03:34:49 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "WOLips releases"


    to try it:
    -Create a new WOApp project and name it MyProject2.
    -Replace the content with the stuff in this mail.
    -In the init target change the dir to the place where your Eclipse
    plugins are stored.
    - run it with ant (mac: ant dist_mac other: ant dist_other)

    I think WOLips should change the buildfile automatically. So that the
    woproject.jar is allways found in it`s location.

    Please let me know if it work.

    Have fun


    <project name="MyProject2" default="build" basedir=".">

            <target name="init_wolips">
                    <property name="wo.woroot" value="${}"/>
            <target name="init">
                    <property name="output" value="bin"/>
                    <property name="src" value="src"/>
                    <path id="classpath">
                 <fileset dir="/Volumes/Users/uli/Eclipse">
                     <include name="**/woproject.jar"/>
                    <taskdef name="woapplication"
                          <classpath refid="classpath"/>
            <target name="init_mac" depends="init">
                    <property name="wo.woroot" value="/System"/>
            <target name="init_other" depends="init">
                    <property environment="env"/>
                 <property name="wo.woroot" value="${env.NEXT_ROOT}"/>
            <target name="build_code">
                    <path id="classpath">
                 <fileset dir="${wo.woroot}/Library/Frameworks">
                     <include name="**/*.jar"/>
             <javac srcdir="${src}"
                 <classpath refid="classpath"/>
            <target name="build_woapplication">
                    <woapplication name="MyProject2" destDir=".">
                                <classes dir="bin">
                                <resources dir=".">
                                    <include name="*.eomodeld/**"/>
                                    <include name="*.wo/**"/>
                                    <include name="*.api"/>
                                <wsresources dir=".">
                                    <include name="Images/**"/>
            <target name="build" depends="init_wolips,build_woapplication">
            <target name="dist_mac"
            <target name="dist_other"

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