Re: LOCALROOT vs. full path to local frameworks

From: Tatsuya Kawano (
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 12:14:42 EDT

  • Next message: Kaj Hejer: "Re: LOCALROOT vs. full path to local frameworks"

    Hi Kaj,

    > I can't get ant to use LOCALROOT in the classpathfiles (f.x.
    > medark.woa/Contents/UNIX/UNIXClassPath.txt) instead of full path, see the
    > UNIXClassPath.txt bellow.
    > I guess when full path instead of LOCALROOT the application will not like
    > to be moved between plattforms (since LOCALROOT is different).
    > Are there any obvious caveats in using LOCALROOT when making build.xml files?
    > My build.xml can be found at http:///

    I think you could change this:
        <property name="local_fw_root"

                <frameworks root="${local_fw_root}">
                    <include name="languagefw.framework"/>
                    <include name="uiofw.framework"/>
                    <include name="securityfw.framework"/>
                    <include name="directoryfw.framework"/>
                    <include name="utilityfw.framework"/>
                    <include name="WOUnitTest.framework"/>

    To this:
        <property name="wo.localroot" value="/" />
        <property name="local_fw_root"
              value="${next_root}/Library/Frameworks"/> <!-- Remove /Local ! -->

                <frameworks root="wo.localroot"> <!-- don't put ${ } -->
                    <include name="${local_fw_root}/languagefw.framework"/>
                    <include name="${local_fw_root}/uiofw.framework"/>
                    <include name="${local_fw_root}/securityfw.framework"/>
                    <include name="${local_fw_root}/directoryfw.framework"/>
                    <include name="${local_fw_root}/utilityfw.framework"/>
                    <include name="${local_fw_root}/WOUnitTest.framework"/>

    and it would work fine.


    Tatsuya Kawano   
    New York  NY 10016 

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