Re: Time to release 0.9.0

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 10:09:03 EST

  • Next message: Anders Peterson: "Re: failure notice"


    this mail is from Anders Peterson <>

    I just created a new (minimal) project on OSX with PBX, moved it to
    Windows and imported it as a WOLips project - it worked.

    I haven't tried this with any of my existing frameworks or applications
    yet, but I will. This feels like a major step.

    It's time to talk about details:

    1) In the new project wizard when you point out the project content
    path; that's normally where you want the new project to end up. You
    could point to an already existing project, but the new project will
    end up at that path. New WOLips projects always end up at the default
    location. There needs to be two paths. One that points to the existing
    project (if there is one) and one that points to where you want the new
    project. It was extremely comforting to see that my original
    code/project was left unaltered (don't change this).

    2) Is 'MyProjectName.proj.src' better than 'src'? Why was this changed?
    I tried to rename it, but then things stopped working. Maybe it should
    be called 'java_src' since there are other kinds of source files.

    3) Is it possible to have one file show up in many places in the WOLips
    Navigator? So that you could have all java files in one place, all html
    files in one, all api ... but also all components, with all five files
    together, in one place.


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