Re: Time to release 0.9.0

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 10:49:47 EST

  • Next message: Anders Peterson: "OT Noise"

    Am Freitag, 01.11.02 um 16:35 Uhr schrieb Markus Nolte:

    >> 1) In the new project wizard when you point out the project content
    >> path; that's normally where you want the new project to end up. You
    >> could point to an already existing project, but the new project will
    >> end up at that path. New WOLips projects always end up at the default
    >> location. There needs to be two paths. One that points to the existing
    >> project (if there is one) and one that points to where you want the
    >> new
    >> project.
    > okay, I commit that I was too lazy to create another composite, it's
    > now
    > part of my TODO list
    >> 2) Is 'MyProjectName.proj.src' better than 'src'? Why was this
    >> changed?
    >> I tried to rename it, but then things stopped working. Maybe it should
    >> be called 'java_src' since there are other kinds of source files.
    > you can rename the project source folder anyway you like, but the
    > extension
    > must be '.src',
    > subproject source folders cannot be renamed.
    >> 3) Is it possible to have one file show up in many places in the
    >> WOLips
    >> Navigator? So that you could have all java files in one place, all
    >> html
    >> files in one, all api ... but also all components, with all five files
    >> together, in one place.
    > good idea, working on great projects is quite difficult, if you have
    > 15+
    > subprojects & components, but all java files
    > in one place will be too much.
    > I'm thinking of a ProjectBuilder like navigation, but I haven't the
    > motivation to implement this, maybe Uli's task ;-)

    I will do my very best :-) Any ideas how to structure the navigator
    (localisation, parts of a component: wod,api,html,woo and java)?

    Or should it look like pbx?

    Another way is to use the tabs: JavaBrowser,ComponentNavigator,
    ResourcesNavigator(Resources, docs and WerServerResources) and one for
    rest(frameworks products and so on). I`ll find the up and down
    scrolling very frustating.


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