References to a set of frameworks for task woapplication

From: Christian van der Leeden (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 10:28:36 EST

  • Next message: Christian van der Leeden: "Re: References to a set of frameworks for task woapplication (SOLVED)"


            is there a way to have a standard set of frameworks
    defined that I can reference when building an app?
    E.g. I've got 5 frameworks that all my app need and I'm
    building 3 apps.

    Normally I would repeat the
    <woapplication ....>
            <frameworks root="${wo.localroot}">
                     <include name="Library/Frameworks/Framework1.framework"
                     <include name="Library/Frameworks/
    Framework2.framework" />
                     <include name="Library/Frameworks/
    Framework3.framework" />
                     <include name="Library/Frameworks/
    Framework4.framework" />
                     <include name="Library/Frameworks/
    Framework5.framework" />

    Is there a way to have something like a reference for all the
    E.g. like:
    <woapplication ....>
            <frameworks root="${wo.localroot}" refid="standard.frameworks" />

    Couldn't find anything in the ant docs to help me...



    Christian van der Leeden
    Logic United GmbH
    Tel: 089-189488-66 Mob: 0163-3747111

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