Building WO apps with ant on osx 10.2.*

From: Kaj Hejer (
Date: Thu Jan 02 2003 - 03:28:04 EST

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: Building WO apps with ant on osx 10.2.*"


    It has been a while since I tried to build WO apps with ant on osx.
    We mostly do this on solaris where it seems to work just fine!

    But... On osx the test bellow to see if we are n osx seems to don't
    work anymore. It has worked earlier (10.1.*?), so I'm not sure if
    this is a osx 10.2.* thing or omsething else.

    <property name="local_fw_root" value="${next_root}/Local/Library/Frameworks"/>
           <condition property= "local_fw_root" value="/Library/Frameworks">
                   <os family="mac" />
                   <os family="unix" />
    <echo message="local_fw_root: ${local_fw_root}" />

    Any ideas how this test should be?

    -Kaj :)


    ____________________________________________________________________________ Universitetets Senter for Informasjonsteknologi (USIT), Universitetet i Oslo e-post:

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