Re: cvs, branches and co

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 11:50:38 EST

  • Next message: Christian Edward Gruber: "RE: cvs, branches and co"


    we could enhance it. Andrus has offered us the horsepower from We can use it for anthill to provide nightly or
    weekly builds. This progress could also be used to run the unit tests.

    If I get it right, we need the following distributions/versions:

    Nightly builds with build IDs. WOLips_01.01.2004_e2.3.0_2.1.3.tar.gz
    Build from source.

    Releases available via update or download. WOLips_e2.3.0_2.1.3.tar.gz

    Testers and early adopters have access to both.


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